Bevy Version:0.11(outdated!)

As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.11 to 0.12, 0.12 to 0.13.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.

Text / Character Input

Relevant official examples: char_input_events, text_input.

Use this (not keyboard input) if you want to implement text input in a Bevy app. This way, everything works as the user expects from their operating system, including Unicode support.

Bevy will produce a ReceivedCharacter event for every Unicode code point coming from the OS.

This example shows how to let the user input text into a string (here stored as a local resource).

fn text_input(
    mut evr_char: EventReader<ReceivedCharacter>,
    kbd: Res<Input<KeyCode>>,
    mut string: Local<String>,
) {
    if kbd.just_pressed(KeyCode::Return) {
        println!("Text input: {}", &*string);
    if kbd.just_pressed(KeyCode::Back) {
    for ev in evr_char.iter() {
        // ignore control (special) characters
        if !ev.char.is_control() {

Note: we are using Bevy's regular keyboard input to handle the pressing of the enter and backspace keys. Character events are also sent when these keys are pressed (they produce special control characters, like ASCII newlines \n), so, if we don't want these to be saved to our string, we need to ignore them.

In your own application, you might also want to handle things like arrow keys in a way that is appropriate to your UI.

IME support

Bevy has support for IMEs (Input Method Editors), which is how people perform text input in languages with more complex scripts, like East Asian languages. It requires some special handling from you, however.

IMEs work by using a special "buffer", which shows the current in-progress text suggestions and allows users to select the correct characters before confirming them. The text suggestions / autocompletion is provided by the OS, but your app needs to display them for the user.

If you'd like all international users to be able to input text in their language, the way they usually do in other GUI apps on their OS, you should support IMEs.

To do this, you need to enable "IME mode" on the window, whenever you are expecting users to type text, and disable it afterwards. For example, if you prompt users to enter their name, before playing the game, you enable IME mode while the prompt is active.

While "IME mode" is enabled, if the user is using an IME, you will receive Ime events, instead of ReceivedCharacter and regular keyboard input. However, if the user is not using an IME, then everything will behave as normal, even when "IME mode" is enabled.

While the user has in-progress text, you will get Ime::Preedit events, to tell you the current contents of the "temporary buffer" and information about the cursor/highlight you need to show, so that users can see what they are doing.

When the user confirms their input, you will get a Ime::Commit event, to tell you the text that the user wishes to insert into the app.

// for this simple example, we will just enable/disable IME mode on mouse click
fn ime_toggle(
    mousebtn: Res<Input<MouseButton>>,
    mut q_window: Query<&mut Window, With<PrimaryWindow>>,
) {
    if mousebtn.just_pressed(MouseButton::Left) {
        let mut window = q_window.single_mut();

        // toggle "IME mode"
        window.ime_enabled = !window.ime_enabled;

        // We need to tell the OS the on-screen coordinates where the text will
        // be displayed; for this simple example, let's just use the mouse cursor.
        // In a real app, this might be the position of a UI text field, etc.
        window.ime_position = window.cursor_position().unwrap();

fn ime_input(
    mut evr_ime: EventReader<Ime>,
) {
    for ev in evr_ime.iter() {
        match ev {
            Ime::Commit { value, .. } => {
                println!("IME confirmed text: {}", value);
            Ime::Preedit { value, cursor, .. } => {
                println!("IME buffer: {:?}, cursor: {:?}", value, cursor);
            Ime::Enabled { .. } => {
                println!("IME mode enabled!");
            Ime::Disabled { .. } => {
                println!("IME mode disabled!");

For the sake of brevity, this example just prints the events to the console.

In a real app, you will want to display the "pre-edit" text on-screen, and use different formatting to show the cursor. On "commit", you can append the provided text to the actual string where you normally accept text input.