
Unoptimized debug builds

You can partially enable compiler optimizations in debug/dev mode!

You can enable higher optimizations for dependencies (incl. Bevy), but not your own code, to keep recompilations fast!

In Cargo.toml or .cargo/config.toml:

# Enable max optimizations for dependencies, but not for our code:
opt-level = 3

The above is enough to make Bevy run fast. It will only slow down clean builds, without affecting recompilation times for your project.

If your own code does CPU-intensive work, you might want to also enable some optimization for it.

# Enable only a small amount of optimization in debug mode
opt-level = 1

Warning! If you are using a debugger (like gdb or lldb) to step through your code, any amount of compiler optimization can mess with the experience. Your breakpoints might be skipped, and the code flow might jump around in unexpected ways. If you want to debug / step through your code, you might want opt-level = 0.

Why is this necessary?

Rust without compiler optimizations is very slow. With Bevy in particular, the default cargo build debug settings will lead to awful runtime performance. Assets are slow to load and FPS is low.

Common symptoms:

  • Loading high-res 3D models with a lot of large textures, from GLTF files, can take minutes! This can trick you into thinking that your code is not working, because you will not see anything on the screen until it is ready.
  • After spawning even a few 2D sprites or 3D models, framerate may drop to unplayable levels.

Why not use --release?

You may have heard the advice: just run with --release! However, this is bad advice. Don't do it.

Release mode also disables "debug assertions": extra checks useful during development. Many libraries also include additional stuff under that setting. In Bevy and WGPU that includes validation for shaders and GPU API usage. Release mode disables these checks, causing less-informative crashes, issues with hot-reloading, or potentially buggy/invalid logic going unnoticed.

Release mode also makes incremental recompilation slow. That negates Bevy's fast compile times, and can be very annoying while you develop.

With the advice at the top of this page, you don't need to build with --release, just to test your game with adequate performance. You can use it for actual release builds that you send to your users.

If you want, you can also enable LTO (Link-Time-Optimization) for the actual release builds, to squeeze out even more performance at the cost of very slow compile times.

Here is a configuration for the most aggressive optimizations possible:

lto = true
opt-level = 3
codegen-units = 1
incremental = false
debug = false