Relevant official examples: ecs_guide.


See here for more explanation on how storing data in the ECS works.

Conceptually, an entity represents a set of values for different components. Each component is a Rust type (struct or enum) and an entity can be used to store a value of that type.

Technically, an entity is just a simple integer ID (imagine the "row number" in a table/spreadsheet) that can be used to find related data values (in different "columns" of that table).

In Bevy, Entity is this value. It consists of two integers: the ID and the "generation" (allowing IDs to be reused, after you despawn old entities).

You can create ("spawn") new entities and destroy ("despawn") entities using Commands or exclusive World access.

fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
    // create a new entity
        // Initialize all your components and bundles here
        Health {
            hp: 100.0,
            extra: 25.0,
        // ...

    // If you want to get the Entity ID, just call `.id()` after spawn
    let my_entity = commands.spawn((/* ... */)).id();

    // destroy an entity, removing all data associated with it

Many of your entities might need to have the same common components. You can use Bundles to make it easier to spawn your entities.


Components are the data associated with entities.

To create a new component type, simply define a Rust struct or enum, and derive the Component trait.

struct Health {
    hp: f32,
    extra: f32,

enum AiMode {

Types must be unique – an entity can only have one component per Rust type.

Newtype Components

Use wrapper (newtype) structs to make unique components out of simpler types:

struct PlayerXp(u32);

struct PlayerName(String);

Marker Components

You can use empty structs to help you identify specific entities. These are known as "marker components". Useful with query filters.

/// Add this to all menu ui entities to help identify them
struct MainMenuUI;

/// Marker for hostile game units
struct Enemy;

/// This will be used to identify the main player entity
struct Player;

/// Tag all creatures that are currently friendly towards the player
struct Friendly;

Accessing Components

Components can be accessed from systems, using queries.

You can think of the query as the "specification" for the data you want to access. It gives you access to specific component values from entities that match the query's signature.

fn level_up_player(
    // get the relevant data. some components read-only, some mutable
    mut query_player: Query<(&PlayerName, &mut PlayerXp, &mut Health), With<Player>>,
) {
    // `single` assumes only one entity exists that matches the query
    let (name, mut xp, mut health) = query_player.single_mut();
    if xp.0 > 1000 {
        xp.0 = 0;
        health.hp = 100.0;
        health.extra += 25.0;
        info!("Player {} leveled up!", name.0);

fn die(
    // `Entity` can be used to get the ID of things that match the query
    query_health: Query<(Entity, &Health)>,
    // we also need Commands, so we can despawn entities if we have to
    mut commands: Commands,
) {
    // we can have many such entities (enemies, player, whatever)
    // so we loop to check all of them
    for (entity_id, health) in query_health.iter() {
        if health.hp <= 0.0 {

Adding/removing Components

You can add/remove components on existing entities, using Commands or exclusive World access.

fn make_enemies_friendly(
    query_enemy: Query<Entity, With<Enemy>>,
    mut commands: Commands,
) {
    for entity_id in query_enemy.iter() {