Relevant official examples: ecs_guide.


You can think of Bundles like "templates" or "blueprints" for creating entities. They make it easy to create entities with a common set of components.

By creating a bundle type, instead of adding your components one by one, you can make sure that you will never accidentally forget some important component on your entities. The Rust compiler will give an error if you do not set all the fields of a struct, thus helping you make sure your code is correct.

Bevy provides many built-in bundle types that you can use to spawn common kinds of entities.

To create your own bundle, derive Bundle on a struct:

struct PlayerBundle {
    xp: PlayerXp,
    name: PlayerName,
    health: Health,
    marker: Player,

    // We can nest/include another bundle.
    // Add the components for a standard Bevy Sprite:
    sprite: SpriteSheetBundle,

You can then use your bundle when you spawn your entities:

commands.spawn(PlayerBundle {
    xp: PlayerXp(0),
    name: PlayerName("Player 1".into()),
    health: Health {
        hp: 100.0,
        extra: 0.0,
    marker: Player,
    sprite: SpriteSheetBundle {
        // TODO

If you want to have default values (similar to Bevy's bundles):

impl Default for PlayerBundle {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            xp: PlayerXp(0),
            name: PlayerName("Player".into()),
            health: Health {
                hp: 100.0,
                extra: 0.0,
            marker: Player,
            sprite: Default::default(),

Now you can do this:

commands.spawn(PlayerBundle {
    name: PlayerName("Player 1".into()),

Loose components as bundles

Technically, Bevy also considers arbitrary tuples of components as bundles:

(ComponentA, ComponentB, ComponentC)

This allows you to easily spawn an entity using a loose bunch of components (or bundles), or add more arbitrary components when you spawn entities. However, this way you don't have the compile-time correctness advantages that a well-defined struct gives you.

    SpriteBundle {
        // ...
    Health {
        hp: 50.0,
        extra: 0.0,
    // ...

You should strongly consider creating proper structs, especially if you are likely to spawn many similar entities. It will make your code easier to maintain.


Note that you cannot query for a whole bundle. Bundles are just a convenience when creating the entities. Query for the individual component types that your system needs to access.

This is wrong:

fn my_system(query: Query<&SpriteBundle>) {
  // ...

Instead, do this:

fn my_system(query: Query<(&Transform, &Handle<Image>)>) {
  // ...

(or whatever specific components you need in that system)