Bevy Version: | 0.14 | (outdated!) |
As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.14 to 0.15.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.
Pan + Orbit Camera
This is a camera controller similar to the ones in 3D editors like Blender.
To make the implementation simpler, we do not manipulate the transform directly. Instead, we work with values inside of a custom component struct and then compute the transform at the end.
Furthermore, for completeness, this example will also show a simple way of making the input controls reconfigurable / rebindable.
First, let's define our data. Create some component types, which we will store on the 3D camera entity, and a bundle to make it easy to spawn the camera:
// Bundle to spawn our custom camera easily
#[derive(Bundle, Default)]
pub struct PanOrbitCameraBundle {
pub camera: Camera3dBundle,
pub state: PanOrbitState,
pub settings: PanOrbitSettings,
// The internal state of the pan-orbit controller
pub struct PanOrbitState {
pub center: Vec3,
pub radius: f32,
pub upside_down: bool,
pub pitch: f32,
pub yaw: f32,
/// The configuration of the pan-orbit controller
pub struct PanOrbitSettings {
/// World units per pixel of mouse motion
pub pan_sensitivity: f32,
/// Radians per pixel of mouse motion
pub orbit_sensitivity: f32,
/// Exponent per pixel of mouse motion
pub zoom_sensitivity: f32,
/// Key to hold for panning
pub pan_key: Option<KeyCode>,
/// Key to hold for orbiting
pub orbit_key: Option<KeyCode>,
/// Key to hold for zooming
pub zoom_key: Option<KeyCode>,
/// What action is bound to the scroll wheel?
pub scroll_action: Option<PanOrbitAction>,
/// For devices with a notched scroll wheel, like desktop mice
pub scroll_line_sensitivity: f32,
/// For devices with smooth scrolling, like touchpads
pub scroll_pixel_sensitivity: f32,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum PanOrbitAction {
We can implement Default
to give them reasonable default values:
impl Default for PanOrbitState {
fn default() -> Self {
PanOrbitState {
center: Vec3::ZERO,
radius: 1.0,
upside_down: false,
pitch: 0.0,
yaw: 0.0,
impl Default for PanOrbitSettings {
fn default() -> Self {
PanOrbitSettings {
pan_sensitivity: 0.001, // 1000 pixels per world unit
orbit_sensitivity: 0.1f32.to_radians(), // 0.1 degree per pixel
zoom_sensitivity: 0.01,
pan_key: Some(KeyCode::ControlLeft),
orbit_key: Some(KeyCode::AltLeft),
zoom_key: Some(KeyCode::ShiftLeft),
scroll_action: Some(PanOrbitAction::Zoom),
scroll_line_sensitivity: 16.0, // 1 "line" == 16 "pixels of motion"
scroll_pixel_sensitivity: 1.0,
We need a setup system to spawn our camera:
fn spawn_camera(mut commands: Commands) {
let mut camera = PanOrbitCameraBundle::default();
// Position our camera using our component,
// not Transform (it would get overwritten) = Vec3::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
camera.state.radius = 50.0;
camera.state.pitch = 15.0f32.to_radians();
camera.state.yaw = 30.0f32.to_radians();
app.add_systems(Startup, spawn_camera);
And finally, the actual implementation of the camera controller:
use bevy::input::mouse::{MouseMotion, MouseScrollUnit, MouseWheel};
use std::f32::consts::{FRAC_PI_2, PI, TAU};
fn pan_orbit_camera(
kbd: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
mut evr_motion: EventReader<MouseMotion>,
mut evr_scroll: EventReader<MouseWheel>,
mut q_camera: Query<(
&mut PanOrbitState,
&mut Transform,
) {
// First, accumulate the total amount of
// mouse motion and scroll, from all pending events:
let mut total_motion: Vec2 =
// Reverse Y (Bevy's Worldspace coordinate system is Y-Up,
// but events are in window/ui coordinates, which are Y-Down)
total_motion.y = -total_motion.y;
let mut total_scroll_lines = Vec2::ZERO;
let mut total_scroll_pixels = Vec2::ZERO;
for ev in {
match ev.unit {
MouseScrollUnit::Line => {
total_scroll_lines.x += ev.x;
total_scroll_lines.y -= ev.y;
MouseScrollUnit::Pixel => {
total_scroll_pixels.x += ev.x;
total_scroll_pixels.y -= ev.y;
for (settings, mut state, mut transform) in &mut q_camera {
// Check how much of each thing we need to apply.
// Accumulate values from motion and scroll,
// based on our configuration settings.
let mut total_pan = Vec2::ZERO;
if|key| kbd.pressed(key)).unwrap_or(false) {
total_pan -= total_motion * settings.pan_sensitivity;
if settings.scroll_action == Some(PanOrbitAction::Pan) {
total_pan -= total_scroll_lines
* settings.scroll_line_sensitivity * settings.pan_sensitivity;
total_pan -= total_scroll_pixels
* settings.scroll_pixel_sensitivity * settings.pan_sensitivity;
let mut total_orbit = Vec2::ZERO;
if|key| kbd.pressed(key)).unwrap_or(false) {
total_orbit -= total_motion * settings.orbit_sensitivity;
if settings.scroll_action == Some(PanOrbitAction::Orbit) {
total_orbit -= total_scroll_lines
* settings.scroll_line_sensitivity * settings.orbit_sensitivity;
total_orbit -= total_scroll_pixels
* settings.scroll_pixel_sensitivity * settings.orbit_sensitivity;
let mut total_zoom = Vec2::ZERO;
if|key| kbd.pressed(key)).unwrap_or(false) {
total_zoom -= total_motion * settings.zoom_sensitivity;
if settings.scroll_action == Some(PanOrbitAction::Zoom) {
total_zoom -= total_scroll_lines
* settings.scroll_line_sensitivity * settings.zoom_sensitivity;
total_zoom -= total_scroll_pixels
* settings.scroll_pixel_sensitivity * settings.zoom_sensitivity;
// Upon starting a new orbit maneuver (key is just pressed),
// check if we are starting it upside-down
if|key| kbd.just_pressed(key)).unwrap_or(false) {
state.upside_down = state.pitch < -FRAC_PI_2 || state.pitch > FRAC_PI_2;
// If we are upside down, reverse the X orbiting
if state.upside_down {
total_orbit.x = -total_orbit.x;
// Now we can actually do the things!
let mut any = false;
// To ZOOM, we need to multiply our radius.
if total_zoom != Vec2::ZERO {
any = true;
// in order for zoom to feel intuitive,
// everything needs to be exponential
// (done via multiplication)
// not linear
// (done via addition)
// so we compute the exponential of our
// accumulated value and multiply by that
state.radius *= (-total_zoom.y).exp();
// To ORBIT, we change our pitch and yaw values
if total_orbit != Vec2::ZERO {
any = true;
state.yaw += total_orbit.x;
state.pitch += total_orbit.y;
// wrap around, to stay between +- 180 degrees
if state.yaw > PI {
state.yaw -= TAU; // 2 * PI
if state.yaw < -PI {
state.yaw += TAU; // 2 * PI
if state.pitch > PI {
state.pitch -= TAU; // 2 * PI
if state.pitch < -PI {
state.pitch += TAU; // 2 * PI
// To PAN, we can get the UP and RIGHT direction
// vectors from the camera's transform, and use
// them to move the center point. Multiply by the
// radius to make the pan adapt to the current zoom.
if total_pan != Vec2::ZERO {
any = true;
let radius = state.radius; += transform.right() * total_pan.x * radius; += transform.up() * total_pan.y * radius;
// Finally, compute the new camera transform.
// (if we changed anything, or if the pan-orbit
// controller was just added and thus we are running
// for the first time and need to initialize)
if any || state.is_added() {
// YXZ Euler Rotation performs yaw/pitch/roll.
transform.rotation =
Quat::from_euler(EulerRot::YXZ, state.yaw, state.pitch, 0.0);
// To position the camera, get the backward direction vector
// and place the camera at the desired radius from the center.
transform.translation = + transform.back() * state.radius;
We can add a Run Condition to tell Bevy to run our system only if pan-orbit entities exist: