Transform Interpolation / Extrapolation

Movement code for controlling the player (and other gameplay entities) can pose a tricky problem.

You want it to be computed reliably as part of your gameplay/physics simulation, which means doing it on a fixed timestep. This is to ensure consistent gameplay behavior regardless of the display framerate. It is a must, to avoid glitchy behavior like clipping into walls.

However, you also want movement to look smooth on-screen. If you simply mutate the transforms from within FixedUpdate, that will look choppy, especially on modern high-refresh-rate gaming displays.

The solution is to not manipulate Transform directly, but to create your own custom component types to use instead. Implement your gameplay using your own types. Then, have a system in Update, which uses your custom components to compute the Transform that Bevy should use to display the entity on every frame.

Interpolation vs. Extrapolation

Interpolation means computing a Transform that is somewhere in-between the current state of the entity, and the old state from the previous gameplay tick.

Extrapolation means computing a Transform that is somewhere in-between the current state of the entity, and the predicted future state on the next gameplay tick.

Interpolation creates movement that always looks both smooth and accurate, but feels laggy / less responsive. The user will never see a truly up-to-date representation of the gameplay state, as what you are rendering is always delayed by one fixed timestep duration. Thus, interpolation is not suitable for games where a responsive low-latency feel is important to gameplay.

Extrapolation creates movement that looks smooth and feels responsive, but may be inaccurate. Since you are trying to predict the future, you might guess wrong, and occasionally the rendered position of the entity on-screen might jump slightly, to correct mispredictions.


First, create some custom components to store your movement state.

If you'd like to do interpolation, you need to remember the old position from the previous gameplay tick. We created a separate component for that purpose.

If you'd like to do extrapolation, it might not be necessary, depending on how you go about predicting the future position.

struct MyMovementState {
    position: Vec3,
    velocity: Vec3,

struct OldMovementState {
    position: Vec3,

Now, you can create your systems to implement your movement simulation. These systems should run in FixedUpdate. For this simple example, we just apply our velocity value.

fn my_movement(
    time: Res<Time>,
    mut q_movement: Query<(&mut MyMovementState, &mut OldMovementState)>,
) {
    for (mut state, mut old_state) in &mut q_movement {
        // Reborrow `state` to mutably access both of its fields
        // See Cheatbook page on "Split Borrows"
        let state = &mut *state;

        // Store the old position.
        old_state.position = state.position;

        // Compute the new position.
        // (`delta_seconds` always returns the fixed timestep
        // duration, if this system is added to `FixedUpdate`)
        state.position += state.velocity * time.delta_seconds();
app.add_systems(FixedUpdate, my_movement);

Now we need to create the system to run every frame in Update, which computes the actual transform that Bevy will use to display our entity on-screen.

Time<Fixed> can give us the "overstep fraction", which is a value between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating how much of a "partial timestep" has accumulated since the last fixed timestep run. This value is our lerp coefficient.


fn transform_movement_interpolate(
    fixed_time: Res<Time<Fixed>>,
    mut q_movement: Query<(
        &mut Transform, &MyMovementState, &OldMovementState
) {
    for (mut xf, state, old_state) in &mut q_movement {
        let a = fixed_time.overstep_fraction();
        xf.translation = old_state.position.lerp(state.position, a);


To do extrapolation, you need some sort of prediction about the future position on the next gameplay tick.

In our example, we have our velocity value and we can reasonably assume that on the next tick, it will simply be added to the position. So we can use that as our prediction. As a general principle, if you have the necessary information to make a good prediction about the future position, you should use it.

fn transform_movement_extrapolate_velocity(
    fixed_time: Res<Time<Fixed>>,
    mut q_movement: Query<(
        &mut Transform, &MyMovementState,
) {
    for (mut xf, state) in &mut q_movement {
        let a = fixed_time.overstep_fraction();
        let future_position = state.position
            + state.velocity * fixed_time.delta_seconds();
        xf.translation = state.position.lerp(future_position, a);

If you'd like to make a general implementation of extrapolation, that does not rely on knowing any information about how the movement works (such as our velocity value in this example), you could try predicting the future position based on the old position, assuming it will continue moving the same way.

fn transform_movement_extrapolate_from_old(
    fixed_time: Res<Time<Fixed>>,
    mut q_movement: Query<(
        &mut Transform, &MyMovementState, &OldMovementState
) {
    for (mut xf, state, old_state) in &mut q_movement {
        let a = fixed_time.overstep_fraction();
        let delta = state.position - old_state.position;
        let future_position = state.position + delta;
        xf.translation = state.position.lerp(future_position, a);

However, such an implementation will always guess wrong if the velocity is changing, leading to poor results (jumpy movement that needs to correct its course often).