Bevy Version:0.12(outdated!)

As this page is outdated, please refer to Bevy's official migration guides while reading, to cover the differences: 0.12 to 0.13, 0.13 to 0.14. 0.14 to 0.15.

I apologize for the inconvenience. I will update the page as soon as I find the time.


Cameras drive all rendering in Bevy. They are responsible for configuring what to draw, how to draw it, and where to draw it.

You must have at least one camera entity, in order for anything to be displayed at all! If you forget to spawn a camera, you will get an empty black screen.

In the simplest case, you can create a camera with the default settings. Just spawn an entity using Camera2dBundle or Camera3dBundle. It will simply draw all renderable entities that are visible.

This page gives a general overview of cameras in Bevy. Also see the dedicated pages for 2D cameras and 3D cameras.

Practical advice: always create marker components for your camera entities, so that you can query your cameras easily!

#[derive(Component)] struct MyGameCamera; fn setup(mut commands: Commands) { commands.spawn(( Camera3dBundle::default(), MyGameCamera, )); }

The Camera Transform

Cameras have transforms, which can be used to position or rotate the camera. This is how you move the camera around.

For examples, see these cookbook pages:

If you are making a game, you should implement your own custom camera controls that feel appropriate to your game's genre and gameplay.

Zooming the camera

Do not use the transform scale to "zoom" a camera! It just stretches the image, which is not "zooming". It might also cause other issues and incompatibilities. Use the projection to zoom.

For an orthographic projection, change the scale. For a perspective projection, change the FOV. The FOV mimics the effect of zooming with a lens.

Learn more about how to do this in 2D or 3D.


The camera projection is responsible for mapping the coordinate system to the viewport (commonly, the screen/window). It is what configures the coordinate space, as well as any scaling/stretching of the image.

Bevy provides two kinds of projections: OrthographicProjection and PerspectiveProjection. They are configurable, to be able to serve a variety of different use cases.

Orthographic means that everything always appears the same size, regardless of how far away it is from the camera.

Perspective means that things appear smaller the further away they are from the camera. This is the effect that gives 3D graphics a sense of depth and distance.

2D cameras are always orthographic.

3D cameras can use either kind of projection. Perspective is the most common (and default) choice. Orthographic is useful for applications such as CAD and engineering, where you want to accurately represent the dimensions of an object, instead of creating a realistic sense of 3D space. Some games (notably simulation games) use orthographic as an artistic choice.

It is possible to implement your own custom camera projections. This can give you full control over the coordinate system. However, beware that things might behave in unexpected ways if you violate Bevy's coordinate system conventions!

HDR and Tonemapping

See here!

Render Target

The render target of a camera determines where the GPU will draw things to. It could be a window (for outputting directly to the screen) or an Image asset (render-to-texture).

By default, cameras output to the primary window.

use bevy::render::camera::RenderTarget; fn debug_render_targets( q: Query<&Camera>, ) { for camera in &q { match & { RenderTarget::Window(wid) => { eprintln!("Camera renders to window with id: {:?}", wid); } RenderTarget::Image(handle) => { eprintln!("Camera renders to image asset with id: {:?}", handle); } RenderTarget::TextureView(_) => { eprintln!("This is a special camera that outputs to something outside of Bevy."); } } } }


The viewport is an (optional) way to restrict a camera to a sub-area of its render target, defined as a rectangle. That rectangle is effectively treated as the "window" to draw in.

An obvious use-case are split-screen games, where you want a camera to only draw to one half of the screen.

use bevy::render::camera::Viewport; fn setup_minimap(mut commands: Commands) { commands.spawn(( Camera2dBundle { camera: Camera { // renders after / on top of other cameras order: 2, // set the viewport to a 256x256 square in the top left corner viewport: Some(Viewport { physical_position: UVec2::new(0, 0), physical_size: UVec2::new(256, 256), ..default() }), ..default() }, ..default() }, MyMinimapCamera, )); }

If you need to find out the area a camera renders to (the viewport, if configured, or the entire window, if not):

fn debug_viewports( q: Query<&Camera, With<MyExtraCamera>>, ) { let camera = q.single(); // the size of the area being rendered to let view_dimensions = camera.logical_viewport_size().unwrap(); // the coordinates of the rectangle covered by the viewport let rect = camera.logical_viewport_rect().unwrap(); }

Coordinate Conversion

Camera provides methods to help with coordinate conversion between on-screen coordinates and world-space coordinates. For an example, see the "cursor to world" cookbook page.

Clear Color

This is the "background color" that the whole viewport will be cleared to, before a camera renders anything.

You can also disable clearing on a camera, if you want to preserve all the pixels as they were before.

See this page for more info.

Render Layers

RenderLayers is a way to filter what entities should be drawn by what cameras. Insert this component onto your entities to place them in specific "layers". The layers are integers from 0 to 31 (32 total available).

Inserting this component onto a camera entity selects what layers that camera should render. Inserting this component onto renderable entities selects what cameras should render those entities. An entity will be rendered if there is any overlap between the camera's layers and the entity's layers (they have at least one layer in common).

If an entity does not have the RenderLayers component, it is assumed to belong to layer 0 (only).

use bevy::render::view::visibility::RenderLayers; // This camera renders everything in layers 0, 1 commands.spawn(( Camera2dBundle::default(), RenderLayers::from_layers(&[0, 1]) )); // This camera renders everything in layers 1, 2 commands.spawn(( Camera2dBundle::default(), RenderLayers::from_layers(&[1, 2]) )); // This sprite will only be seen by the first camera commands.spawn(( SpriteBundle::default(), RenderLayers::layer(0), )); // This sprite will be seen by both cameras commands.spawn(( SpriteBundle::default(), RenderLayers::layer(1), )); // This sprite will only be seen by the second camera commands.spawn(( SpriteBundle::default(), RenderLayers::layer(2), )); // This sprite will also be seen by both cameras commands.spawn(( SpriteBundle::default(), RenderLayers::from_layers(&[0, 2]), ));

You can also modify the render layers of entities after they are spawned.

Camera Ordering

A camera's order is a simple integer value that controls the order relative to any other cameras with the same render target.

For example, if you have multiple cameras that all render to the primary window, they will behave as multiple "layers". Cameras with a higher order value will render "on top of" cameras with a lower value. 0 is the default.

use bevy::core_pipeline::clear_color::ClearColorConfig; commands.spawn(( Camera2dBundle { camera_2d: Camera2d { // no "background color", we need to see the main camera's output clear_color: ClearColorConfig::None, ..default() }, camera: Camera { // renders after / on top of the main camera order: 1, ..default() }, ..default() }, MyOverlayCamera, ));

UI Rendering

Bevy UI rendering is integrated into the cameras! Every camera will, by default, also draw UI.

However, if you are working with multiple cameras, you probably only want your UI to be drawn once (probably by the main camera). You can disable UI rendering on your other cameras.

Also, UI on multiple cameras is currently broken in Bevy. Even if you want multiple UI cameras (say, to display UI in an app with multiple windows), it does not work correctly.

commands.spawn(( Camera3dBundle::default(), // UI config is a separate component UiCameraConfig { show_ui: false, }, MyExtraCamera, ));

Disabling Cameras

You can deactivate a camera without despawning it. This is useful when you want to preserve the camera entity and all the configuration it carries, so you can easily re-enable it later.

Some example use cases: toggling an overlay, switching between a 2D and 3D view.

fn toggle_overlay( mut q: Query<&mut Camera, With<MyOverlayCamera>>, ) { let mut camera = q.single_mut(); camera.is_active = !camera.is_active; }

Multiple Cameras

This is an overview of different scenarios where you would need more than one camera entity.

Multiple Windows

Official example: multiple_windows.

If you want to create a Bevy app with multiple windows, you need to spawn multiple cameras, one for each window, and set their render targets respectively. Then, you can use your cameras to control what to display in each window.


Official example: split_screen.

You can set the camera viewport to only render to a part of the render target. This way, a camera can be made to render one half of the screen (or any other area). Use a separate camera for each view in a split-screen game.


Official example: two_passes.

You might want to render multiple "layers" (passes) to the same render target. An example of this might be an overlay/HUD to be displayed on top of the main game.

The overlay camera could be completely different from the main camera. For example, the main camera might draw a 3D scene, and the overlay camera might draw 2D shapes. Such use cases are possible!

Use a separate camera to create the overlay. Set the priority higher, to tell Bevy to render it after (on top of) the main camera. Make sure to disable clearing!

Think about which camera you want to be responsible for rendering the UI. Use the overlay camera if you want it to be unaffected, or use the main camera if you want the overlay to be on top of the UI. Disable it on the other camera.

Use Render Layers to control what entities should be rendered by each camera.

Render to Image

(aka Render to Texture)

Official example: render_to_texture.

If you want to generate an image in memory, you can output to an Image asset.

This is useful for intermediate steps in games, such as rendering a minimap or the gun in a shooter game. You can then use that image as part of the final scene to render to the screen. Item previews are a similar use case.

Another use case is window-less applications that want to generate image files. For example, you could use Bevy to render something, and then export it to a PNG file.

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