Intro: Your Code

This page is an overview, to give you an idea of the big picture of how Bevy works. Click on the various links to be taken to dedicated pages where you can learn more about each concept.

As mentioned in the ECS Intro, Bevy manages all of your functionality/behaviors for you, running them when appropriate and giving them access to whatever parts of your data they need.

Individual pieces of functionality are called systems. Each system is a Rust function (fn) you write, which accepts special parameter types to indicate what data it needs to access. Think of the function signature as a "specification" for what to fetch from the ECS World.

Here is what a system might look like. Note how, just by looking at the function parameters, we know exactly what data can be accessed.

fn enemy_detect_player(
    // access data from resources
    mut ai_settings: ResMut<EnemyAiSettings>,
    gamemode: Res<GameModeData>,
    // access data from entities/components
    query_player: Query<&Transform, With<Player>>,
    query_enemies: Query<&mut Transform, (With<Enemy>, Without<Player>)>,
    // in case we want to spawn/despawn entities, etc.
    mut commands: Commands,
) {
    // ... implement your behavior here ...

(learn more about: systems, queries, commands, resources, entities, components)

Parallel Systems

Based on the parameter types of the systems you write, Bevy knows what data each system can access and whether it conflicts with any other systems. Systems that do not conflict (don't access any of the same data mutably) will automatically be run in parallel on different CPU threads. This way, you get multithreading, utilizing modern multi-core CPU hardware effectively, with no extra effort from you!

For best parallelism, it is recommended that you keep your functionality and your data granular. Split up your systems, so each one has a narrowly-scoped purpose and access to only the data it needs. This gives Bevy more opportunities for parallelism. Putting too much functionality in one system, or too much data in a single component or resource struct, limits parallelism.

Bevy's parallelism is non-deterministic by default. Your systems might run in a different and unpredictable order relative to one another, unless you add ordering dependencies to constrain it.

Exclusive Systems

Exclusive systems provide you with a way to get full direct access to the ECS World. They cannot run in parallel with other systems, because they can access anything and do anything. Sometimes, you might need this additonal power.

fn save_game(
    // get full access to the World, so we can access all data and do anything
    world: &mut World,
) {
    // ... save game data to disk, or something ...


Bevy stores systems inside of schedules (Schedule). The schedule contains the systems and all relevant metadata to organize them, telling Bevy when and how to run them. Bevy Apps typically contain many schedules. Each one is a collection of systems to be invoked in different scenarios (every frame update, fixed timestep update, at app startup, on state transitions, etc.).

The metadata stored in schedules allows you to control how systems run:

  • Add run conditions to control if systems should run during an invocation of the schedule. You can disable systems if you only need them to run sometimes.
  • Add ordering constraints, if one system depends on another system completing before it.

Within schedules, systems can be grouped into sets. Sets allow multiple systems to share common configuration/metadata. Systems inherit configuration from all sets they belong to. Sets can also inherit configuration from other sets.

Here is an illustration to help you visualize the logical structure of a schedule. Let's look at how a hypothetical "Update" (run every frame) schedule of a game might be organized.

List of systems:

System nameSets it belongs toRun conditionsOrdering constraints
footstep_soundAudioSet GameplaySetafter(player_movement) after(enemy_movement)
player_movementGameplaySetplayer_alive not(cutscene)after(InputSet)
menu_button_soundMainMenuSet AudioSet

List of sets:

Set nameParent SetsRun conditionsOrdering constraints

Note that it doesn't matter in what order systems are listed in the schedule. Their order of execution is determined by the metadata. Bevy will respect those constraints, but otherwise run systems in parallel as much as it can, depending on what CPU threads are available.

Also note how our hypothetical game is implemented using many individually-small systems. For example, instead of playing audio inside of the player_movement system, we made a separate play_footstep_sounds system. These two pieces of functionality probably need to access different data, so putting them in separate systems allows Bevy more opportunities for parallelism. By being separate systems, they can also have different configuration. The play_footstep_sounds system can be added to an AudioSet set, from which it inherits a not(audio_muted) run condition.

Similarly, we put mouse and controller input in separate systems. The InputSet set allows systems like player_movement to share an ordering dependency on all of them at once.

You can see how Bevy's scheduling APIs give you a lot of flexibility to organize all the functionality in your game. What will you do with all this power? ;)

Here is how schedule that was illustrated above could be created in code:

// Set configuration is per-schedule. Here we do it for `Update`
app.configure_sets(Update, (
app.add_systems(Update, (

(learn more about: schedules, system sets, states, run conditions, system ordering)